Decentralized energy production, including from renewable energies, which is increasing due to climate targets, and digitalization are dominating the energy turnaround and are placing demands on the German energy industry. The challenges in the industry are enormous. How can established providers consolidate their market position in the long term through intelligent digitization?
In addition to the decentralization and decarbonization of energy production, digitization as a third force is having a massive impact on the transformation of the energy industry. Electromobility in particular, which is still in the early stages of its development, challenges the energy industry and requires intelligent energy management. Charging columns and induction technology must be integrated into the energy infrastructure, which dates back mainly to the 1950s.
More than ever before, prosumers will shape the energy industry in the future. Intelligent data management is becoming increasingly important for the growing number of consumers who are also producers. This will give rise to new business areas in the fields of condition monitoring, predictive maintenance and on-demand supply of energy with secure billing via block chain. Anyone who knows how to exploit the potential hidden in the data to optimize the utilization and availability of energy systems using artificial intelligence and neural networks will survive in this future market.
Suppliers of renewable energies and modern energy concepts can gain a long-term advantage in the market through intelligent digitalization. Because one thing is certain: the crude oil of the future is data. Even if in the future it will mainly be electricity that moves people and goods, it will still be data that provides the drive.
"Digital information from the power socket requires innovative minds and ideas."
An essential building block for seizing the opportunities that arise is software that meets the high demands on availability and information security. As a specialist for functional security, information security, data analytics and predictive maintenance, infoteam meets these requirements with confidence. As a strategic and innovative solution partner, infoteam has in-depth expertise in machine learning using neural networks and other methods. In doing so, infoteam "speaks" different communication protocols such as IEC 61850.
Back to the initial question: I am convinced that long-established suppliers can strengthen their position in the market primarily by opening up new business areas. This requires new thinking. Or, in the words of Henry Ford: "He who always does what he can already do will always remain what he already is. infoteam looks back on 40 years of experience in the industry and is skilled in thinking along with the customer and connecting different levels in terms of software. The energy industry also benefits from this experience. For the hidden champions of energy technology, infoteam as a strategic software service provider has long since ceased to be an insider tip.
Currently, infoteam is helping to shape the future of the energy industry in various projects. One example is the development of software for the monitoring of substations with regard to information security and data acquisition and evaluation using a scada system (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition).
About the statement writer Joachim Strobel:
Joachim Strobel (54) is a trained industrial clerk and studied business administration. Before joining infoteam Software AG, he worked for a financial services company in Switzerland. In 2014 he started as commercial director or CFO at infoteam, and has been CEO since July 2018. He is married and has two children from his first marriage.