/ Career news, Events

infoteam participates in HackerX event in Prague (Czech Republic)

Meet us at the recruiting event in virtual speed dating format.

Despite the Corona pandemic and current uncertainties, we are also growing steadily at our infoteam location in Prague (Czech Republic). That's why we are also taking part in this year's HackerX event in Prague - which unfortunately can only take place virtually due to the current situation. At the event, several companies will meet up to 100 software developers, who can get to know each other in quick interviews (duration approx. 5 minutes). All in all, there is about 1.5 hours of time for this, while there is another hour of complementary networking afterwards.

With such an interesting online event we have to participate of course - even if we would have much rather met you in person. We are looking forward to the virtual one-on-one meetings with qualified software talents who are looking for a new professional challenge. 

You want to participate in the virtual HackerX event in Prague? This is only possible via a personal invitation from the organizer. However, you can express your interest and request participation via the HackerX-website. Be there and get yourself a ticket.

We are looking forward to an exciting and interesting evening with great conversations. 

When: January 26, 2021 from 18:30 to 21:00